Florian Rasch I came from the Silesian area of the Prussian Kingdom. He arrived in the United States in the 1850's with his nine children. His
descendants in the United States are in two families, from the two wives he had in Prussia, neither of which survived to accompany him to the U.S.
His first wife was Carolina Schindler, and his second wife was Barbara Gutkorn. The information on
both the Rasch/Schindler family and the Rasch/Gutkorn family are here and updated as new information becomes available.
(Information in the database was last updated on January, 2025)
My father's family are the Condes and my cousins are the Mounier family.
(Information in the database was last updated on June, 2023)
My maternal grandmother cames from the Noggler family. The Rasch/Padelt Family are the parents and siblings of Florian Rasch. His wife, my great-great-grandmother, comes from the Schindler family.
(Information in the database was last updated on December, 2020)
The "Descendants of Florian Rasch I" information is generated on
Reunion© for Macintosh genealogy software. The files listed here
are output from this software.
These files may be accessed by means of the tables above, which are best
viewed using an HTML 4.0 (or later) complient browser, such as Netscape.
For information on the file structure,
click here.
The Genealogy of the family of Florian Rasch was originally compiled in
1935 by
Oscar E. Rasch. That information was subsequently updated by
Odette [Rasch] Howard in 1976.
A special thanks to
Marianne [Macke] Bernauer who is the author of a number
of articles and pamphlets documenting the history of St. Florian, Alabama, and the descendants
of Florian Rasch. Also thanks to
Pat [Rasch] Cederholm
Mary [Rasch] Alt, who are
developing the Rasch/Gutkorn Family genealogical information. Also, thanks to the many family members and friends who
helped by contributing information on their immediate family. They are credited in the references lists.
A number of
historial articles can be see
I am
Ralph (Skip) Conde. I am the great-great-grandson of Florian I and great-grandson of Florian II.
If you have any comments on these genealogy listings, or have new or corrected
information, or would just like to discuss this information, please use the button below to
send me an email. I am also looking for source material, i.e., old
pictures relevent to the genealogy, documents, old letters, etc. If you have any of this
material that you can forward please contact me via email and I will give you the
address to send them to.